Friday, August 3, 2012

Betik Vegetable Recipes

Betik Vegetable Recipes


1 piece of medium-sized young papaya, peeled and seeded skin

750 ml coconut milk from ½ coconut.

Lbr 2 bay leaves


2 pieces keluwak, take it, soak it in warm water within

5 red onions

2 cloves garlic

½ teaspoon toasted coriander

5 red chilies

¼ finger kencur

1 tablespoon brown sugar

1 tablespoon salt

How to make:

    A. usuran papaya cut in dice form. Squeeze with a little salt so that the sap is lost. Rinse and drain.
    2. simmer coconut milk with spices mashed enter sala leaves, stirring so that milk is not broken.
    3. enter the papaya pieces into the boiling coconut milk. Ripe papaya and cook until sauce is slightly oily. lift


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